By Art Kunkin, Mr. Life Extension
This week I purchased from Amazon Books a $2.99 Kindle Book titled ?Memory: Simple, Easy and Fun Ways to Improve Memory.? Within seconds of clicking the purchase button on my computer screen, Amazon downloaded the book authored by John Parker to my computer and I was able to immediately access it with my free Kindle reader. I really love the Internet. Here I was after midnight in rural Joshua Tree, many miles from any bookstore, and I was able to make an inexpensive purchase using my PayPal account of a specific book that I felt I needed right then and there.
I was particularly interested in the third chapter of this book because five minutes earlier I had read on Amazon?s web site that this chapter contained self-talk affirmations to rapidly improve one?s memory. In recent Living Longer columns I have been advocating that changing one?s self-talk is a rapid and very effective method of getting organized, of developing good habits and benefiting from great life extension. And here was a memory book saying that in order to have success in anything, including supercharging one?s memory, a person must cultivate strong beliefs and self-talk compatible with success. You have to change your beliefs from ?I have a poor memory? to ?I have an excellent memory,? from ?I can?t remember anything,? to ?I have the capacity to remember everything.?
To help you get started in improving your memory, author John Parker provides a list of 10 affirmations. These self-talk statements cover various aspects of memory so that a well rounded improvement will result.
1) I have an excellent memory. 2) I can remember anything I choose. 3) Every day, in every way, my memory is improving. 4) I remember names, faces, places, facts, dates and events easily and effortlessly. 5) I recall information quickly. 6) My brain holds information that is easy retrieved. 7) My memory provides me with all the information I need. 8) I immediately remember everything that is important to me. 9) Answers come to me when I need them. 10) I have a strong memory of past, present, and future events.
Before affirming the above statements, it helps to get into a relaxed state where there is no resistance of the mind to the new thoughts. Close your eyes and recall a time when you were relaxed? perhaps stretched out on the beach or relaxing in the mountains. Then take a deep breath, hold it for 10 seconds and exhale slowly while saying to yourself ?relax.? Inhale again, hold it for 10 seconds and exhale slowly, again while saying ?relax.? Do this three more times. When relaxed, repeat each of the above statements 10 times. Say them as if they were true right here and right now.
The relaxation helps you get deep into your inner consciousness and change your beliefs at a core level. It helps to do this exercise at least twice a day for 30 days. The best time to do this is once in the morning just as you are getting up and once in the evening before falling asleep.
In the beginning, you may resist doing affirmations. As you self-talk, pessimistic feelings in the background may come up like ?This is silly? or ?This won?t work.?
Realize that when you have a long standing, strongly held idea, it is difficult for your mind to accept a new way of thinking. So it will resist thoughts not in line with what it already believes. A relaxed state helps eliminates some of this struggle. After a while, the statements will transform into new and positive beliefs ? beliefs conducive to having a strong and healthy memory.
You may find that there are specific areas of memory where you have more problems than in others. To deal with this, you can focus your affirmations. For example, if you have trouble remembering answers during exams, simply create a group of 8 to 12 positive sentences that focus on your performing well during exams. If you regularly forget where you put things, create statements that help you better recall where you place items. Say to yourself, ?I have a good memory. I remember everything I need to recall. The information I need is coming to me.?
Even if you don?t buy into affirmations or understand why self-talk works, still use them daily. Affirmations don?t require your understanding in order for them to work. Simply smile to yourself and self-talk, ?Yes, I?ve had problems with memory but things have changed for the better.?

Art Kunkin, Mr. Life Extension
Art Kunkin is the 84-year young journalist who founded, published and edited the Los Angeles Free Press. He later became president of the Philosophical Research Society of Los Angeles. A free download of a magazine cover story interview with Art about his research into stopping aging is available at Please come to Art?s Thursday ?Circle of Friends? gathering from 7 to 9 pm at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center where interesting discussions are held about such important subjects as developing personal power, achieving enlightenment and how to possibly live for hundreds of years. For information about this Circle, please email Art at or phone the Retreat Center at 760-365-8371. Copyright 2012 by Art Kunkin, all rights reserved.
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